Starting Off on the Right Foot in 2022
Another year has come and gone, along with the bustle of the holidays. Keep that momentum going by working on your business plan for the coming year. Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and how you will accomplish it are the keys to becoming successful. While your plan should be specific to your business, here are a few universal ways to get started off on the right foot.
... Continue ReadingNotaries, Notarios Publicos, and Immigration
Notaries exist in nearly every country on the planet, but the role of notaries in the United States is far more limited than that of their international counterparts. In other countries, notaries are usually lawyers or other professionals who have been specifically trained in the drafting of documents.
... Continue ReadingAdvertise Your Notary Business with the American Association of Notaries' Notary Locator Listing
In today's age, the Internet drives the global economy. What does that mean for the notary industry? It means that more and more people are going online to find a notary near them. This is why the American Association of Notaries offers a free notary locator listing. It's easy to create a profile with us. Once you do, your visibility to potential customers will increase significantly and your business will grow.
... Continue ReadingWhat is a Notario Publico?
In its simplest form, the term notario publico translates to notary public. On a deeper level, however, the difference between a notario publico and a U.S. notary public is vast, and therefore it can be problematic for notaries to use this particular terminology in the United States. While a notary public in the United States is authorized to perform specific notarial acts and practice limited discretion, a notario publico in many Latin American countries is an individual who has received the equivalent of a law license and who is authorized to represent others before the government.
... Continue ReadingMarketing to Title Companies
Like most notary signing agents, I went through the drill of contacting all of the four- and five-star signing companies listed on one of the well known signing agent directories. After I got a couple of years of experience under my belt, I decided to narrow my marketing efforts to local title companies.
... Continue ReadingProfessional Notary Website Appearance - Why You Need A Website
Personally, I believe that first impressions are lasting impressions. As signing agents, many of our first impressions are made on the internet.
... Continue ReadingHow to Advertise Your Notary Services
A notary public is a state officer commissioned by his or her state of residence to serve the public as an unbiased, impartial witness. More than likely, if you are a commissioned notary, you have undergone some kind of training or classes to become a knowledgeable expert in how to perform your notarial duties.
... Continue ReadingPracticing Law without a License / Unlawful Advertising
The following are issues that are addressed by law in many states and may carry severe penalties. Notaries in those states that do not address these issues should heed the following:
... Continue ReadingLegal Disclaimer: The American Association of Notaries is committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information. However, it is important to note that the information provided on this page is for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. We do not claim to be attorneys and do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided. It is your responsibility to know the appropriate notary laws governing your state. You should always seek the advice of a licensed attorney for any legal matters. In no event shall the American Association of Notaries, its employees, or contractors be liable to you for any claims, penalties, losses, damages, or expenses, howsoever arising, including, and without limitation, direct or indirect loss, or consequential loss, out of or in connection with the use of the information contained on any of the American Association of Notaries website pages. Notaries are advised to seek the advice of their state’s notary authorities or attorneys if they have legal questions.
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Duties of a Notary [12]
Find a Notary - Notary Locator [1]
Foreign Language Documents [4]
Handling Difficult Notarization [10]
How to Become a Notary [19]
I-9 Forms [2]
Identifications [4]
Loan Signing Agent [5]
Maintaining Your Notary Commission [11]
Marketing [17]
Membership to Notary Association [3]
Mobile Notary [5]
Notarial Certificates [11]
Notary & Employer [6]
Notary Best Practices [77]
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Steps to a Proper Notarization [81]
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What Does a Notary Do? [21]
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